If you like to write, no matter if you think you do it well or not, it is a good idea to think about printing it. There is no need to find a publisher to do so. If you wish to have your stories on paper with some nice cover there is a possibility to do it using a book printer. How to do it? You do not have to buy the whole book printer to print one book. Not at all. You just need to find someone who could do that for you. There are some companies which offer printing services and they specialize in book printing. It is possible to organize your own book without going out from home. Just send them you text, decide whether it is to be covered by hardback cover or the paperback cover. Then you can choose the size of your future book and the quantity of copies you wish to have printed. There are of course discounts if you choose more copies, that is why it is also a good way to print not only one book but a whole bunch of them.